Why am I being asked to complete these tests?

The success of a company is based on the effectiveness of the people who work for it. A person's effectiveness depends on how well matched he or she is to the demands of the job, and on how well he or she is able to bring all assets (knowledge, experience, skills, and personality characteristics) to bear on performance.

If you are applying for a job with this company, the test results will help the company compare your personality and the personality requirements of the job for which you are applying, in the same way that your work experience, job knowledge, and skills will be compared to what the job requires in those areas.

How long will it take to complete these tests?

Each of our timed tests has a different time limit. There is a clock on each screen that shows how much time you have left. Depending on which of our untimed tests your company has selected for inclusion in this process, it may take between 30 and 60 minutes. If it seems to be taking you longer, you may be spending too much time thinking about individual questions. Each test that is included for you has its own set of instructions that you will see before you begin the test, and those instructions will give you an idea of how long the test will take.

Will my responses be kept confidential?

Yes! Your answers to these tests will be transmitted confidentially ONLY to Helm and Associates, Inc., who maintain all records according to the confidentiality standards of the American Psychological Association and the Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists. The interpretive report that is based on your answers is the property of the company for whom you complete these tests. It will not be divulged to any other company, individual, or entity.

Can a person "fail" these tests?

No! There is only one test that you may be asked to take that has "right" and "wrong" answers, and it is used only as an evaluation of potential.

What is your privacy policy?

We do not share personal or identifying information with any entity, ever. Our web server does not collect your email address and it does not leave "cookies" behind on your computer.

Contact someone for help

Call us at 800-886-4356
8:30am-5:00pm Eastern time zone
After hours: help@helmtest.com or leave a phone message

How can I change my answers?

Indicate your answer or response by clicking on the button next to your choice. To change your answer, simply click on another button.

You can move forward and backward within each test or questionnaire using the navigation buttons on the screen. When you reach the end of the questionnaire, you will be given a chance to go back, if you wish. If you go on to the next test, you will not be able to go back to previous tests.

Can I resume this test at a later time?

It is a good idea to finish each test (if there is more than one for your testing session) during one sitting. If you must come back to the web site to finish the testing session, simply open a browser window, log in to our Assessment Center using the same instructions you were given, and then choose "Click Here to Pick Up Where You Left Off" at the Main Menu. You will be required to enter your last name and first name as you entered it originally to verify your identity.

How do I know if this test, or my testing session, was completed?

At the end of your testing session, instructions will appear on the screen that explain how to complete the session and send all your responses to our web site server. Follow those instructions, and you will see a screen with your confirmation code on it. The confirmation code is your receipt and you should make a note of it.



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